Parish Newsletter
January 18/19
The Parish of Lisdoonvarna, Kilshanny, Doolin & Toovahera
Very Rev. Robert McNamara PP
Mass Offerings
ST. AUGUSTINE’S, KILSHANNY: Colette Dillon, anniversary. (A family visiting from Tipperary for Siobhan’s 60th birthday.) Michael and Elanor Considine, Gortnaboul. Patrick O’Leary, Ballymacraven, 5th anniversary.
NEXT WEEK: Michael “Micko” Neylon. Peter and Nora Considine and family deceased. Peg Hynes, Smithstown.
HOLY ROSARY, DOOLIN 10am: Nora O’Leary, Boherboy, 2nd anniversary.
CORPUS CHRISTI, LISDOONVARNA 11:30am: James and Tony Flaherty, Rooska. Mary and Sean O’Loughlin. Thomas and Agnes Flanagan, Donal and Bea O’Grady, Pat and Mary Moore, anniversaries. John O’Halloran, Inagh, 2nd anniversary, (brother of Frank).
Our recently deceased: Kathleen Hodges nee Hawes, Shannon. PJ Conlon, Ballyea, father of Suzanne Griffin, Ballyvara, Doolin.
Parish News
WE NEED A NEW VOLUNTEER FLOWER-ARRANGER FOR KILSHANNYCHURCH PLEASE. Would anyone or even a group of people like to come forward please?
WARM CONGRATULATIONS to Mr. John Sims from Mary Immaculate Secondary School, Lisdoonvarna, who won the Biology Teacher of Excellence Award at the BT Young Scientist Exhibition. John is a modest man who wears his learning lightly and is utterly dedicated to his students. Well done also to students Beibhinn O’Loughlin and Liam Hynes for their awards.
SINCERE THANKS to Sean of Sean Howe Construction for his gift to the parish of emergency repairs to Toovahera church roof during the bad weather, and to Kenneth Flanagan of The Spa magazine for his generous donation of photocopying paper to the parish office.
NO 9:30am MASS on Tuesday, January 28th, due to a clergy conference.
NEXT WEEK IS CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK with the theme “Alive in Christ!” Jesus came that we would have “life to the full!” (John10:10). I always suggest to priest-colleagues that if they are having a bad day, pop into the parish school(s) and the life and fun and wonderful questions of the young people will renew you! A blessing on all our wonderful primary school communities of Lisdoonvarna, Kilshanny, and Doolin, and of Mary Immaculate Secondary School.
HARRY’S MIRACLE RIDE: because we are Christians who believe in the limitless power of the risen Jesus over time, space, and nature, miracles should come as no surprise to us. They are opportunities to give Jesus and Our Lady even more glory, praise, and thanks. In that spirit of thanksgiving and wanting to give something back, our very own miracle boy, Harry O’ Dwyer and his Kilshanny community are hosting a “miracle ride”, inviting all tractors, vintage cars, motorbikes and lorries. This wonderful celebration powered by community spirit and the Holy Spirit will begin with registration at the Pavilion, Lisdoonvarna, V95YW1C, on Sunday, February 2ndfrom 3pm, departing at 5pm. All proceeds will go that wonderful place of healing and hope, Temple Street Children’s Hospital, Dublin. This project is typical of the kind of boy Harry is who, even in the midst of his illness, was always thinking of others. Let’s also keep in our prayers others who could do with a miracle.
FITNESS CLASSES AT THE PAVILION starting next week for 8 weeks: Tuesday 21st at 7:15pm-8pm body conditioning, and Saturday 25th at 9:30am, walk, jog or run your way to 5K. Phone 0657075644
ST. BRIGID’S CROSSES available for €5 each. Beautifully hand-made by Nicky Considine, thanks Nicky.
NEXT CHILDREN’S ROSARY EVENING: Sunday, February 2nd at 6pm in Lisdoonvarna Church.