Parish Newsletter
February 22/23
The Parish of Lisdoonvarna, Kilshanny, Doolin & Toovahera
Very Rev. Robert McNamara PP
Mass Offerings
ST. AUGUSTINE’S, KILSHANNY: Danny and Biddy McInerney, Gortown. Chris Aitken, Australia.
Next week: PJ (1st) and Mary (3rd) O’Leary, annivs.
HOLY ROSARY, DOOLIN 10am: Teresa Jackson nee Hynes, Rooska, 1st anniversary. Mary Dunleavy, Aughavinna, 12th Anniversary. Jack Garrihy, 18th anniversary. Micho, Packie, and Gussie Russell.
CORPUS CHRISTI, LISDOONVARNA 11:30am: John Joe, Margaret, Denny, and PJ Lyons and extended Lyons family, Poulnagun. Martin Byrnes, Rooska. Mary and Mikie Shannon, Gortaclob, Doolin. Martin Shannon, UK. Jim Shannon, Boston USA.
Next week: Martin McNamara, Ballytigue, Oliver Mc Namara, Bog Road.
Parish News
HARRY’S MIRACLE RIDE for Temple Street Children’s Hospital: €13,540. Thanks so much to all!
KILSHANNY CHURCH CLEANING ROTA: A new rota is being prepared. Could the existing members confirm that they are still available to serve, and could we have some new volunteers please? Contact 087 7744649.
DOOLIN NATIONAL SCHOOL PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION will be holding a church gate collection this weekend.
MARY’S MEALS COFFEE MORNING after 11:30 Sunday Mass in Lisdoonvarna, in the community room.
FAITH AND LIGHT warmly thank you your donations of €1030 to their collection and €360 raised from the quiz night.
ST. ENDA’S NS PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION quiz night in McDermott’s, Doolin on Thursday 27th at 9pm.
LENT SCRIPTURE COURSE begins on Monday, March 3rd at 7pm in Lisdoonvarna Church community room.
KILSHANNY CHURCH RENOVATION: we received, thank God, a grant from Clare County Council for €30K. Thank you very much to John O’Loughlin, Chair, Parish Finance Committee, for his hard work on this.
LISDOONVARNA FAILTE FITNESS CLASSES IN THE PAVILION: Tuesdays, body conditioning 7:15pm. Wednesdays, chair exercises 1pm. Saturdays, steps to 5k 9:30am. Walking football for 40+ men coming soon. Bingo Thursdays at 8pm and on-line. Coffee on Fridays with tapestry weaving 11am. Kids club Fridays 10am.
THE CHILDREN’S ROSARY youth apostolate in the parish is growing, thank God, to the extent that they are having a bake sale in aid of materials and resources in Lisdoonvarna church community room after the 11:30am Mass on Sunday, March 2nd. That same evening at 6pm they will host the next children’s Rosary in Lisdoonvarna church.
NORTH CLARE HISTORICAL SOCIETY presents The story of Ireland’s past in 50 shades of grey; using archaeological geophysics to see beneath the soil, by Martina McCarthy, Monday, 8pm, Courthouse Gallery.